of Use
Money Laundering
Terms of Use
The official language of the company is English. For a more detailed description of company activities, please visit the English version of the site. Information translated into languages other than English is for informational purposes only and has no legal effect. BAL GLOBAL. is not responsible.
BAL GLOBAL respects each individual's right to privacy. We value our relationship with you and are proud to maintain our loyalty and respect for you by ensuring the safety of our investors. The provisions of this statement apply to our former and current investors. Please read the information below.
1.1 This Privacy Policy has been prepared for the investors of the BAL GLOBAL. (hereinafter referred to as the Company), officially represented by the Partner and its stakeholders, including official services, financial and informational services, etc...).
1.2 By choosing company services, the Investor fully agrees to all terms and conditions of public documents. The same is true for transactions where trade and investment transactions are carried out between the Investor and the company, various informational materials are used, payments and transfers are made, etc. This also applies to interactions. If the investor does not comply with any of the terms of the public documents package, he must cease all interactions with the company. If the investor finds the terms of this Privacy Policy unacceptable for any reason, he will cease all interactions with the company, including terminating all financial transactions through the company.
1.3 The current Privacy Policy declares one of the most important principles that the company follows while serving its Investors. The Company respects the privacy right of each individual and legal entity, whether they have Investors or not, such as those who only wish to interact with the company. The terms of this Privacy Policy apply equally to former, current and future Investors of the company. One of the company's top priorities is the relationship between the Company and its Investors. The Company respects and respects each Investor individually and gives security and confidentiality to each Investor.
1.4 The following basic terms and definitions are used in the current Privacy Policy.
1.4.1 Confidentiality is a legal right of an individual or legal entity not to disclose private or personal information (data) or information classified as commercial. In the relationship between the Company and the Investor, confidentiality means the Company's commitment to ensure that the Company does not conceal or disclose the Investor information it obtains while serving the Investor.
2.1 When an Investor applies for or maintains a trading or demo account for the company, the company collects personal information for business purposes such as assessing the Investor's financial needs, processing the Investor's requests, informing the Investor about products and services. This may attract his interest and provide an efficient and quality service to the Investor. This information can be of the following types:
2.1.1 Information provided on Registration Information, application forms filled by the Investor, and other documents (including electronic documents). This includes: first name, last name, username, contact information (mail address, phone number, email, etc.), date of birth, occupation, assets and income.
2.1.2 Transaction information Information about communications (unilateral or bilateral) between the Investor and the company, as well as agreements between the Investor and the company or between the Investor and the Company's Affiliates. Examples include Investor account balances, trading (investment) activity, Investor requests, and company responses including mail or log files in the messaging systems used. In this Privacy Policy, the term "Affiliates of the Company" means a company owned or operated by the company as well as a company owned by the company.
2.1.3 Verification Information Contains information necessary to verify the Investor identity (or the main contract if the Investor is a legal entity), such as a passport or driver's license. Examples also include information received by the company from public records, such as credit offices, information agencies, and address bureaus, or from other organizations unaffiliated with the company. The Anti-Money Laundering Policy requires the company to collect the necessary information and take the necessary measures to prevent the conversion and legalization (laundering) of money obtained from illegal activities. In some cases, the Company has the right to request a document explaining its sources of funds.
2.1.4 Information about Subscriptions, such as Signals, alerts, news category and price subscriptions.
2.2 The Company does not collect or store any Investor's credit/debit card details in its database.
2.3 Except for the above, the company reserves the right to request further information from the Investor if necessary to comply with the current legislation.
3.1 Cookies are small files containing information that a Web server (site) uses to track its visitors. The company may set and access cookies on client computers to evaluate which advertisements and promotions attract users to the company Web site. The company (or any of its divisions) may use cookies to evaluate Investor interest in company products and services and to monitor Investor activities on the Web server (site). Information collected by the Company and shared with its Affiliates is anonymous and cannot be identified personally.
4.1 The Company uses Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption technology to protect certain information submitted by its Investors. This technology prevents the Investor from interception of their information by anyone outside the company while it is being transmitted. The company works to ensure that its Web servers (sites) are secure and comply with industry standards. The company also uses other security measures such as firewalls, authentication systems (for example, passwords and personal identification numbers) and access control mechanisms to control unauthorized access to systems and data.
4.2 The Company reserves the right to choose technologies and data protection methods at its discretion and to cooperate with contractors in this field that appear reliable to the Company.
4.3 In line with the recommendations of the Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council, Investor card details are protected using Transport Layer encryption - TLS 1.2 and AES algorithm and the application layer with a key length of 256 bits.
5.1 The Company may share the personal information described above with its affiliates for business purposes such as servicing Investor's accounts and informing about new products and services as permitted by applicable law.
6.1 The Company does not disclose the Investor's personal information to third parties, except as set forth in this Privacy Policy. Third-party disclosures may include sharing such information with Non-Partners of the Company who facilitate Investor deals with the company, including those who provide technical support services to Investor accounts or provide professional, legal or accounting advice to the company. Unaffiliated partners who assist the company in providing services to investors are authorized to keep the confidentiality of this information to the extent they receive it and to use this personal information only during the provision of these services and only for the purposes determined by the company.
6.2 The Company may also disclose the Investor's personal information to third parties to comply with the Investor's instructions or in accordance with the Investor's express consent. The Company also informs its Investors that it will never sell, temporarily use, or distribute the Investor's Personal information without paying any fee.
7.1 Under limited circumstances, the company may disclose the Investor's personal information to third parties as permitted or in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. The company may disclose personal information to comply with subpoenas or other government requests, and to cooperate with regulatory authorities and law enforcement agencies as necessary to protect company rights or property.
7.2 Except as stated in this Privacy Policy, the company will not use the Investor's personal information for any other purpose, unless it explains how this information will be used on the date announced by the Investor or if the company obtains the express consent of the company. The Company has the right to use the Investor's Personal information other than as specified in this Privacy Policy, if it is expressly stated when disclosed by the Investor or when the company has obtained the Investor's express consent.
8.1 The investor may refuse to provide any personal information the company may request. However, doing so may result in the company being unable to open or maintain an account or provide other services to the Investor.
8.2 If the investor does not want her/his personal information to be disclosed to the third parties specified in this Privacy Policy, she/he should contact the Company via a specific contact form.
9.1 The Company reserves the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy. In particular, this may happen in situations not directly or indirectly disclosed in the current edition of the Privacy Policy, or if a rule or law is passed requiring such a change or addition.
9.2 Agenda procedure:
9.2.1 In case of changes and/or additions, the Company will notify the Investors of this situation by making a corresponding notice on the official website and by sending a corresponding message via the internal mail system.
9.2.2 The publication of the relevant notice on the Company Website and the sending of messages via internal mail shall be deemed to be the Adequate Privacy Policy of the amendments in cases where the Investor has not understood or ignored or disregarded a relevant text.
9.2.3 The amended document becomes effective after 5 (five) full astronomical days (120 hours) after the notice is posted on the Company Website, prior to this time notice is informative only.
9.2.4 The amended document applies to all registered accounts immediately after publication (regardless of any other previously registered accounts the owner may have). The amended document is applied to trading accounts registered prior to the effective date of said document.
9.2.5 In case of introducing a rule of law that requires a change and/or addition to this Privacy Policy, the rule of law will apply immediately after the relevant legal regulation enters into force. Necessary changes have been made or not. Regulations of the existing Privacy Policy, which are against the newly added rule or the law, become invalid when the relevant changes in the above-mentioned document take effect.
10.1 During the use of any service of the company, I accept all the terms (terms, sections) of all documents made public by the company, and in case of disagreement, I will immediately stop using the services of the company.
Risk Statement
The official language of the company is English. For a more detailed description of company activities, please visit the English version of the site. Information translated into languages other than English is for informational purposes only and has no legal force, and the company is not responsible for the accuracy of the information provided in other languages.
This short notice, which is an addendum to the General Terms of Business, is not intended to specify all risks and other important aspects of foreign currency and derivative transactions. Given the risks, you should not resolve transactions for such products unless you are aware of the nature of the contracts you enter, the legal aspects of those relationships under such contracts, or your degree of risk exposure. Derivatives may allow you to take high risks, so they may not be suitable for you. You should thoroughly evaluate how suitable such transactions are for you, taking into account your experience, goals, financial resources, and other important factors.
Orders and Strategies that reduce risk
If allowed by local law, placing "stop-limit" orders that limit the maximum loss amount of certain orders may be counterproductive in some market conditions. (For example, when the market is illiquid)
2.1 Deposits and property
When conducting an operation in your home country or abroad, you should be familiar with the protective means, within the confines of the security you invest in the form of cash or other assets, especially if a trading firm is going to go bankrupt. The extent to which you can return your cash or other assets is governed by the legislation and local country standards in which the Other Party operates.
2.2 Commission Fees and Other Costs
Before joining any trader, you should get clear information about all commission fees, payments and other charges that are due by you. These expenses will affect your net financial result.
2.3 Transactions in Other Jurisdictions
Conducting transactions in markets in other jurisdictions, including markets that are formally linked to your domestic market, may result in additional risks for you. The regulation of said markets may differ from yours in terms of the degree of investor protection (including a lower degree of protection than yours). Your local regulator is unable to enforce mandatory compliance with rules set by regulators or markets in other jurisdictions where you transact.
2.4 Currency Risk
The profit and loss of transactions with contracts denominated in a foreign currency other than the currency of your account are affected by fluctuations in the exchange rate when converted from the contract currency to the account currency.
2.5 Liquidity Risk
Liquidity risk affects your ability to trade. The risk that your CFD or asset will not be traded at the time you want to trade (avoid a loss or make a profit). In addition, the margin you must deposit with the CFD provider is recalculated daily based on changes in the value of the underlying assets of the CFDs you own. If this recalculation (revaluation) results in a decrease in value compared to the previous day's value, you will need to immediately pay the CFD supplier in cash to readjust the margin and cover the loss. If you fail to make the payment, the CFD provider may close your position whether you participate in this action or not. You will then have to cover the loss even if the price of the underlying asset recovers. If you don't have the required margin, there are CFD providers who will liquidate all your CFD positions, even if one of those positions shows a profit for you at that stage. To keep your position open, you may be required to allow the CFD provider to charge additional payments (usually from your credit card) at its discretion as necessary for the respective margin calls. In a fast-moving, volatile market, this way you can easily manage a large credit card bill.
2.6 "Stop Loss" Limits
To limit losses, many CFD providers offer you the opportunity to choose “stop loss” limits. This will automatically close your position when it reaches a price limit of your choosing. For example, there are some situations where the “stop loss” limit is ineffective when there is rapid price movements or market closings. Stop loss limits cannot always protect you from losses.
2.7 Enforcement risk
Execution risk is associated with the fact that transactions cannot occur immediately. For example, there may be a delay between the moment you place your order and the moment it is processed. During this period, the market may have moved against you. That is, your order is not fulfilled at the price you expect. Some CFD providers allow you to trade even when the market is closed. Note that the prices of these trades may differ greatly from the closing price of the underlying asset. In many cases, the spread may be wider than it was when the market was open.
2.8 Counterparty Risk
Counterparty risk is the risk that the provider that issues the CFD (ie your counterparty) will default and be unable to meet its financial obligations. If your funds are not properly separated from the CFD provider's funds and the CFD provider is facing financial difficulties, there is a risk that you will not be able to get any money back on your part.
2.9 Electronic Commerce
Trading using any Electronic Communication Network may differ not only from trading in the normal "open circuit" market, but also from trading using other electronic trading systems. If you take any action on the Electronic Communications Network, you take risks specific to that system, including the risk of a failure in the operation of the hardware or software. System failure may result in: Your order may not be fulfilled as instructed; an order may not be carried out at all; It may not be possible to constantly receive information about your positions or to meet the collateral requirements.
2.10 Over-the-Counter operations
In some jurisdictions, firms are allowed to carry out over-the-counter transactions. Your agent can act in return for these transactions. The nature of such transactions is due to the complexity or impossibility of estimating closing positions, estimating values, or determining fair price or risk exposure. For the reasons mentioned above, these transactions may be associated with increased risks. The regulation that governs over-the-counter operations may be less strict or provide a specific mode of regulation. Before taking such actions, you will need to become familiar with the rules and risks associated with them.
Money Laundering Policy
Money laundering is converting money or other monetary instruments earned from illegal activity into money or making investments that seem legitimate. Below you can review the local and international procedures applicable to companies whose customers can deposit and withdraw funds from their accounts.
BAL GLOBAL strictly follows the provisions of its anti-money laundering and anti-terrorism financing policy and requires its employees to fully comply with these standards. Therefore, the Company takes all necessary measures to detect and counter money laundering and terrorist financing. Internal rules are observed in accordance with relevant international requirements.
BAL GLOBAL Money Laundering Procedures
Transactions Taken
The purpose of Anti-Money laundering procedures that BAL GLOBAL applies is to ensure that customers engaged in certain activities are identified to a reasonable standard, while minimizing the compliance burden and impact on legitimate customers. BAL GLOBAL is dedicated to assisting governments around the world in combating the threat of financing terrorist activities and money laundering. For this purpose BAL GLOBAL has installed a very sophisticated electronic system. This system documents and verifies customer identity records, monitors and maintains detailed records of all transactions.
BAL GLOBAL carefully monitors suspicious and significant trading activity and reports such activity to law enforcement agencies who "provide timely and comprehensive information." To protect the integrity of reporting systems and to protect businesses, the legal framework provides such information providers with legal protection.
To minimize the risk of money laundering and financing terrorist activities, BAL GLOBAL does not accept cash deposits or make cash payments of any kind. BAL GLOBAL reserves the right to refuse to transact at any stage where it believes the transfer is in any way connected with money laundering or criminal activity. BAL GLOBAL is prohibited from reporting suspicious activity to customers.
Identification and Verification of Customers
In order to comply with anti-money laundering laws, BAL GLOBAL requires two different documents to verify the identity of the customer. The first document we need is the government-issued document that identifies the document with the customer's image on it. It can be a government-issued passport, driver's license (for countries where the driver's license is the primary identity document) or a local ID card. The second document we need is an invoice with the customer's own name and real address issued no later than 3 months ago. It can be an invoice, bank statement, statement or other document from an internationally recognized organization that contains the customer's name and address. To change the phone number associated with the Customer Profile, they must provide a document confirming that they have a photo of their ID kept next to the customer's face. The customer's personal information will be the same in both documents. Customers are required to submit their updated identity and contact information in a timely manner as soon as changes occur.
Payment Policy: Deposits and Withdrawals
Please note that refunds to the Skrill payment system and debit cards are prohibited. In order to make a withdrawal from a trading account to one of these systems, funds will be loaded into your wallet within 3 working days. If money is lost while making a transaction, a refund cannot be made with a refund. Please read the risk disclosures before you start trading. BAL GLOBAL requires that all deposits with the exiting customer's name come from their own name that matches the customer's name on our records. Third party payments are not accepted.
For withdrawals, funds can be withdrawn from the same account and received in the same way. For withdrawals with the recipient's name, the name must exactly match the customer's name on our records. If the deposit was made by wire transfer, funds can only be withdrawn via wire transfer to the same bank and account of origin. If the deposit was made via electronic money transfer, funds can only be withdrawn via electronic money transfer through the same system and the account from which it originated.